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December 12, 2000

November 18, 2000

  • John Hiatt in the Netherlands:
    23 /11/2000 Radio show: Denk aan Henk
    23/11/2000 recording 2 meter sessie
    24/11/2000 T.V show 21.00 UUR  RTL 5  "Leven in de brouwerij" + T.V show 23.00 UUR  Ned. 2 "Na elven"
    25/11/2000 T.V. show   ????????
    26/11/2000 23.00 UUR op RTL 5
    John Hiatt is te gast in 2 Meter Sessies. 
    Dat houdt in dat hij zijn favoriete sessies uitkiest, 
    maar zelf zal hij ook nog 1 of 2 nummers spelen.
    (opgenomen op 23/11/2000)

October 11, 2000

  • There was a live chat with John Hiatt on Yahoo last night.
    If you like to hear this chat click here
    If you like to read this chat click here

October 10, 2000

  • Today i got this great information on good authority:
    22 November is a new recording from 2meter sessie.
    23 November John Hiatt on the radio (henk westbroek, radio 3)
    24 November John Hiatt on TV. (na elven, Nederland 2)
    26 November 2meter sessie on TV. (rtl 5)

  • Expect concerts in The Netherlands: march/April 2001

October 5, 2000

  • On October 10 at 6pm Eastern and 3pm Pacific Time, there is a live audio chat With John Hiatt on YAHOO.

September 25, 2000

September 18, 2000

  • The new album "Crossing Muddy Waters" expecting release date: 29 - 09 - 2000

  • Change provider is giving me access to make a new website. This new site looks (i hope) a lot better than before.



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June 14, 2024, 06:51

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