she runs hot


Sittin' on the line

Tryin' to change her mind

Red light, yellow light, green light time

You're standing on it buddy

But she's chilly as a Tastee Freeze


Ease it over, son

I'll show you how she runs

Screamin'' like a demon

When the quarter mile comes

Crankcase cookin'

That's her manifold destiny

Now, she might run cold for you

She runs hot for me



She runs hot for me

She runs hot for me

She runs hot for me

Now she might run cold for you

She runs hot for me


She's got a fire in her veins

That's high octane

When her heart starts pumpin'

Her cylinders are jumpin'

Then I give it to her slow

And she gives me back the low E.T.'s

Burnin' down the line

Ten seconds time

Half an hour later

I can still accelerate her

'Till we're out of Hardin County

And in another Galaxy

Now she might run cold for you

She runs hot for me